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Hoboken Grace meets three times each Sunday. We would love to have you join us in person. You can find more information about what to expect on Sunday by clicking the button below.

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Media Resources

Mothers Day @ Hoboken Grace

We think we are suppose to act like we have it all together. God cares how you feel. He hears you and He cares.

Series: Reckless Love

All too often our love is a love that is reckless with the hearts of those around us. The pain of that can be powerful, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Join us this spring as we look at the shocking way in which God has loved us, and the seemingly reckless truth about how we can keep […]

Series: Easter

This Easter celebrate with Hoboken Grace at one of our four special Easter services! Find a service time that works for you and join us for an incredible day!

Series: Guardrails

[Guardrails: a system designed to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas.] They’re everywhere, but they don’t really get much attention . . . until somebody hits one. And then, more often than not, it is a lifesaver. Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life—areas where culture baits you […]

Communicating Value

Everything we do communicates value. As a church family we are communicating the value of our God constantly whether we know it or not. How do we make sure we communicate His value well?

Hoboken Grace Turns 8!

It's been 8 years since Hoboken Grace first opened it's doors! We have so much to celebrate. We have so much to be thankful for. We have so much to look forward to!

Series: An Unstoppable Force

As we walk into our eighth year here at Hoboken Grace it’s overwhelming to see what God has done, but this is just the beginning of our mission. This Sunday we look at where we go from here. Join us as Pastor Chris introduces our focus for 2016 and walks us through some of the really exciting things we have before us. It’s a can’t miss Sunday as we launch into 2016!

2016 Vision

As we walk into our eighth year here at Hoboken Grace it’s overwhelming to see what God has done, but this is just the beginning of our mission. This Sunday we look at where we go from here. Join us as Pastor Chris introduces our focus for 2016 and walks us through some of the really exciting things we have […]

Series: Christmas

Christmas is truly a celebration of the incredible ways in which God has pursued every one of us no matter who you are, what you’ve done or where you’ve been!

Series: Grace Kids Christmas

Watch our Grace Kids perform in their very first Christmas concert!

Series: Drained

Why is everything so amazing and no one is happy? How can you live in the richest country in the world, at the most advanced time in the world, with resources that people would die for at your disposal, and still go to bed frustrated with your life? Join us this fall for a conversation that may change the way you look at everything. God has been telling us for thousands of years that our perspective is draining the life out of what we’ve been given. It’s time for a change. It’s time to begin loving life. Drained.

Series: Prayer

Have you ever felt like you’re just talking to a wall? Have you ever felt like it really didn’t matter if you prayed or not? You’re not alone. Join us for a two-week conversation, beginning next Sunday, on one of the most important and misunderstood aspects of following Christ.

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