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Media Resources

Series: Making Love

What if true lasting love isn’t about miraculously finding the perfect person? What if it’s something that’s made? We spend so much time and effort trying to find that perfect person. What if they don’t exist? What if that’s not the most important factor? What if your struggling relationship could be restored? What if you’re engaging dating with the wrong […]

Where to Stay


What does your relationship with Christ look like ? How much do you value and honor it? Transformation is the result of intimacy with God—regardless of who you are, where you have been, or what you have done. He has pursued you because He wants for you to know Him. He wants a relationship with you.

Series: All I Want For Christmas Is…

All I want for Christmas is…? This Christmas, what is it that you’re asking God for? Maybe you’ve never asked that question, but all of us are asking God for something. Maybe you’re not asking, you’re just hoping. What is it? What do you want? If God were to grant your Christmas list what would change? Did you know God […]

Comfort Food

When you are struck with discomfort, where do you turn? Are you keeping to yourself, or do you share with a friend? When we suffer by ourselves—it is meaningless. When we recognize that our discomfort is claimed within Christ, we will then begin to find significant meaning. Join us as we dive into the meaning of comfort in order to […]

Series: God Is For Us

When life gets uncertain, when things don’t go as planned, it can be easy to believe that God is against us or at least has forgotten us. Join us this Fall, for a six week conversation exploring all that God is doing behind the scenes to fight for us as we look to answer the question, “Is God for us?” […]

Series: Unequal

When we look at the world around us and all of the people in it, we notice that we are all different. Every single one of us is different in a thousand ways, but what do we do with that reality? How do we embrace the truth that God has uniquely created us all different AND that He celebrates those […]

Series: Grillin’

What if we told you that talking about your faith is less about delivering a polished presentation and more about having a real conversation? Invite your friends over for a backyard bbq and see how sharing your faith is as easy asking them to bring a dish to share.

Lean In!

We don’t want to be a church that shrinks back, but a church who leans into the mission we’ve been given! Where do I need to re-engage? How am I going to serve? Who am I going to invite?

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