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Media Resources

Series: In The Meantime

What do you do when there’s nothing you can do? What do you do when you have a problem that seems to have no solution? How do you move forward when your job, your marriage, or your life is stuck? If you’ve ever found yourself trapped in a situation with no good options out, join us this summer for our […]

Worship Sunday

Series: This Crazy Book

Have you ever sat down to read the Bible and felt intimidated? Have you ever wondered, “Where do I start?” Have you ever felt you had no idea how to understand what you just read? You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be like that. For the next six weeks we’re going to read through the beginning of Acts […]

Growth Path

What does it mean to actually follow Christ?  How do we help one another do that?  Listen to how we’re not just hoping we can help one another but are strategically stepping into one another’s life to intentionally grow closer to the one who loves us so much!

Series: Release

How do you live like it’s finished? This Easter we looked at the beautiful reality that the pressure is off, but knowing it and living it are two totally different things. How do you let go of the pressure you’ve experienced your whole life. Is it really possible to live free of the expectations? Join us for five powerful weekends […]

Celebrating Mother’s Day

One of the most under celebrated roles in our culture is the role of parent. It's a role that we may take for granted, but one that God celebrates in a big way! Join us as we celebrate moms and the incredible role they play in shaping our future.


When you live in a world where love and acceptance is based on performance it can be easy to believe that God works the very same way.  Easter, however, exposes that idea while teaching us that God is far greater than we had previously thought.  This Easter experience freedom!


In just one story we have the opportunity to see why so many people flocked to this teacher named Jesus.  We see why Palm Sunday was a reality, and we’re challenged by a group of friends who were willing to do whatever it takes to see their friend healed.

Series: Chemistry

Why is it that some relationships have incredible stability while others seem to constantly be on the brink of explosion? What is it that allows a relationship to actually last? What is it that causes relationships that seem to be solid for years to suddenly self destruct? Join us beginning Sunday, February 15th, as we explore what God says about […]

Your Field

The question of purpose is constantly before us. What is it that I’m supposed to do? How is it that I’m supposed to impact this world. Why will my existence matter? Join us as we look at God’s direction in discovering our field!

The Mirror

How does this impact tomorrow? Does the time that we spend together on Sundays actually impact the lives we live or are we wasting our time? How can we engage this mission together not simply on Sunday, but throughout the week? How can we ensure that tomorrow is impacted?

Series: The Rich

Is it possible to interact with your finances throughout this coming year in such a way that you’re excited about your financial decisions at this point in 2016? So many of us enter the new year frustrated with financial choices we’ve made or disappointed with the fruit of our financial situation. What if we could change that? What if we […]

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