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Media Resources

Vision 2015

What does 2015 hold for Hoboken Grace? Join us as we celebrate where we’ve been and look forward to the future!

Series: Christmas 2014

Tis the season to find hope. This holiday season Hoboken Grace invites you to be a part of the journey as we explore the light God brought into our lives through Jesus Christ. In the darkness of pain and brokenness, Christmas breaks through to give us hope. Our special 3-part Christmas series begins this Sunday, December 14th and continues at […]

A Plan

There is an practice within the church that makes absolutely no sense at all. It’s quite prevalent, and yet completely illogical. Join us as we break that down and begin to form a plan of how we engage this mission together.

Series: Ultimate Fans

In a world full of critics it seems quite difficult to find true fans. We crave it, we long to know that there are people who believe in us, who cheer for us, who celebrate us. We long for it, but seldom find it. Instead it seems that most are more interested in critiquing than cheering. What if there was […]

Series: What If?

What if you were born for more? We all have dreams of something bigger in our lives. These dreams are not meant to be placed in a box and stored away. We are not meant to become complacent. Sometimes we will succeed and sometimes we will fail, but the truth is our lives are meant to be significant. God has […]

Series: Life Coach

The Scriptures are not primarily an instruction manual for us. It is primarily to teach us about God our Father and how much he loves us. God cares more about us than what we do. As we embark upon the journey of following Christ, God wants to coach us and guide us, just as a Father would do.

Series: His Church

The ministry of Jesus Christ launched a movement that today we call the Church. He called us into faith, hope and love unlike anything the world had ever seen, but there has also been tension. From the very first days of the Church there were those who wanted to twist the message of Jesus Christ to accomplish their own mission. […]

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